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TYT Membership FAQs
By becoming a TYT member, you’re not only helping us bring you groundbreaking reporting, you’re supporting serious independent journalism. And, you get a ton of great members-only benefits.
What kind of benefits we talkin’?
  • Premium podcasts: You get ad-free, full size versions of all of our podcasts that you know and love.
  • On-demand ad-free episodes of your favorite shows: The Young Turks, Old School, Aggressive Progressives, and more.
  • Post-Game show: After our live show ends, the fun begins for TYT Members. We dive deeper into topics and get to know the lighter side of our hosts.
  • Members-Only chat: Talk to other friends of TYT in a space that doesn’t get flooded with trolls.
  • Coming soon: Our daily newsletter will bring you the day’s news and insider access into the world of TYT.
How much does it cost?
TYT offers two tiers of membership: Insider ($4.99/month) and Activist ($10/month).

TYT Insider — $4.99/mo
  • Access to TYT member shows on our app and TYT.com
  • Exclusive Post-Game extras: Stories we didn’t get to, and further discussions on the stories of the day
  • Special behind-the-scenes content, with access to production meeting notes and TYT talent
  • Opportunity to interact with hosts and celebrity guests during our live TYTownhalls
  • Members-only merchandise and discounts at ShopTYT.com
TYT Activist — $10/mo
Everything in the TYT Insider package, PLUS:
  • First invites and select Activist-only TYTownhalls—join the discussion with TYT hosts and celebrity guests
  • Exclusive TYT swag bag on your TYT anniversary*
  • First access to virtual and physical TYT event tickets
So whichever plan makes the most sense for you, become a member of TYT to get access to tons of exclusive content, join discussions with TYT hosts, and help us fight the good fight and shine a light on the powers-that-be!

Click here to join.

* Annual Activist members will get a swag bag redemption code within 30 days of your next annual payment. Monthly Activist members will be eligible for the swag bag after 12 consecutive monthly payments as a paid member at the Activist level, starting with your first monthly payment on or after June 21, 2018.
What if I'm already a member?
If you’re already a member and you’re happy with your plan, you don’t need to do anything! If you want to switch your plan, go to your account or click here.
If I switch my plan, what happens?
If you’re switching to the TYT Insider plan, you will have a credit balance, pro-rated against the used portion of your prior membership, that we will draw future renewals from. We will not issue cash rebates.

If you’re upgrading to TYT Activist, we will bill you for a pro-rated amount. You’ll receive credit for your used period as an Insider against the amount of your new Activist membership.
How do I sign in to my TYT Membership?
Just head over to TYTNetwork.com and login in! We’ll handle the rest.
How do I access the ad-free podcasts, bonus segments, or the members-only podcast series?
Make sure you’re logged in as a TYT member, and then you can visit the members-only podcast page to grab those pods.
Where do I go to manage my account?
How do I edit my credit card information?
Go to your account settings page and click on the “Change” link under “Current Billing Method”.
I’m having problems signing in.
We might need to get some technical details from you to help us troubleshoot. Copy any error message you receive and email [email protected] and we’ll respond to you as soon as possible!
I can’t remember my password OR it isn’t working. Help!
Don’t panic, we can reset your password. Just click here and then click "Forgot Password?" and follow the instructions.
How do I renew my membership?
We handle that for you, your membership will renew automatically.
How do I cancel my membership?
Oh no! We hate to see you go! But if you must, head to your account settings page and click on the “Cancel Membership” link.

If it was something we did or something we should’ve done, please let us know by sending us a note at [email protected].
I just read everything here and still need help!
Oh no! Email us at [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.